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Garden Tools Care Guide
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Can I become a Flow Vendor?
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Flow Instruction Manual
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Do I need an entrance reducer?
Whether or not you use an entrance reducer is a
Won’t water come in the entrance of my Flow Hive 2 or 2+?
The Flow Hive 2 and 2+ are designed with inbuilt
How do I deal with and prevent mould or condensation?
Condensation inside a hive is pretty common, however, too much
How do I deter ants from my Flow Hive?
Ants can be attracted to any beehive as it provides
Why won’t my cap fit back on the Flow Key operation slot?
Our Key Access Caps have been specially designed to safeguard
Why is honey not flowing after I open the Flow Frames?
Look at our harvesting checklist [https://support.honeyflow.com/flow-hive-harvesting-checklist/
How do I turn the Flow Key if it’s hard to turn?
The cells of the Flow comb are sealed with beeswax
How do I remove caps from the Flow Frame for harvesting?
Sometimes the Honey Trough Caps and Key Access Caps can
HS Codes (Customs Tariff)
The HS Code (Customs Tariff) for the Flow Hive are:
Isn't cedar bad for bees and other insects? Doesn't it repel them?
Western red cedar is a popular wood choice for hives
Can I Order Spare Parts?
If you need any spare parts, these may be found
Flow Frame sterilisation / irradiation / disease control
Under normal conditions, it is not necessary to clean your
How do I Modify a Langstroth Box for Flow Frames?
The following steps are a guide to modify a standard
How can I view my orders or change my address and details?
Login to your account on our website using the email
Payment issues (credit card or paypal) on website
Some international customers experience payment problems due to the value
What size are the cells in a Flow Frame?
Flow Frames have a 5.8mm cell width.
We experimented
Do the honey channels get blocked?
When the Flow Frame is operated, the hexagonal honeycomb cells
When is my Flow product going to be delivered?
All in-stock items on our website are typically dispatched from
Can I pick-up locally?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer local pick-up.
This is
UK / British Standard National hives and Flow Frames
We are currently out of stock of UK National sized
How do I change / upgrade my order?
We will do our best to help with all order
Do Flow frames work with Manuka / Jellybush Honey?
Manuka honey (and Jellybush in Australia) are thixotropic honeys. This
Do I need a special hive tool to pull out the Flow Frames to inspect them?
The Flow Frames are designed so that they can be
Do I need to clean the Flow Frames?
Flow Frames shouldn’t need cleaning in general, if the
Can I separate the Flow Frames I’ve ordered or are they one unit?
The frames are modular, and are operated separately to extract
Do I need a license to keep bees?
Although requirements to obtain a license to keep bees are
Do I need to register my hive?
Registration of beehives with local authorities assists in protecting
Will Flow Frames work with Warre hives?
Yes, Flow can work with any hive, as you can
Does Flow work with Australian native bees?
No, you can’t use Flow Frames with an Australian
How do I harvest wax from timber frames in a Flow Hive Hybrid?
To harvest wax from a timber frame you need to
Can I harvest beeswax from a Flow Frame?
You cannot harvest wax from a Flow Frame. Honey comes
Do I need to leave some honey in the hive for the bees?
Yes – your bees need honey stores to get them through
How many Flow boxes (supers) do I need per hive?
One Flow Super per hive is the simple answer, as
How often do I need to check the brood?
The frequency which you need to check the brood depends
Is there a best time of day to harvest honey using Flow?
It is possible to harvest from a Flow Hive at
Do I need to wear a bee suit, bee veil or gloves when I harvest the honey?
We recommend you wear a protective beekeeper suit whenever you
Do I need to smoke the hive?
Although you should not need to smoke the hive when
How do I know when to harvest honey from the Flow Hive?
Bees typically fill frames from the centre moving outwards. As
Can the Flow Frames come out of the super, like standard frames do?
Yes – Flow Frames can be removed in the same way
How long does it take before I can harvest honey from the Flow Hive?
This depends on the amount of nectar available for the
Do the bees willingly fill the Flow comb compared to the traditional wax comb?
In many years of testing, we have found the bees
Flow Hive & Flow Frame weights and dimensions
Since the launch on Indiegogo, the Flow Hive has been
How long do the Flow Frames last?
Flow Frames have been tested in the field for over
Why is my order being shipped separately / in different packages?
If you purchase a Flow Hive* or Flow Super, the
Why is honey leaking from my Flow Hive?
It's not uncommon to have a small amount
Identifying your Flow Frame model / version (BZ?)
To purchase replacement parts for your Flow Frame it is
What do I need to check before I harvest from my Flow Hive?
Video: How do I inspect Flow Frames before harvesting?
Why is my Flow Hive roof leaking?
It’s important to ensure that your Flow Hive roof
How many brood boxes should I use?
As with many beekeeping questions, opinions vary greatly on this
Refer-A-Friend Program
As a Flow beekeeper you’ve probably harvested with friends
How do I collect honeycomb from my Flow Hive Hybrid?
One of the great benefits of the Flow Hybrid is
Flow Hive Hybrid / colony maintenance
The Flow Hive Hybrid incorporates both Flow Frames and traditional
Adding brood boxes or supers of different wood-types
Due to varying supply sources and manufacturers, the thickness of
How to reset a Flow Frame
It is important that you reset your Flow Frames before
If I haven’t kept bees before should I get a Flow Hive?
Yes, beekeeping is a wonderful learning experience, and a Flow
How do I prepare my Flow Hive for winter?
We cannot emphasise enough that it is best to consult