Could your Flow Hive do with some renovating?
The method used to revamp your hive will depend on what you used initially to protect the hive, as well as which type of timber your Flow Hive is made from.
The easiest way to reapply your sealant is by swapping over the boxes, so you’re not disrupting the bees, but don’t worry if you don’t have spare boxes to work with, it is possible to work on your hive while the bees are inside – but you’ll definitely require a bee suit!
Sanding back the timber is easiest when most of the bees are out foraging, usually in the middle of the day and reapplication of sealant in the late afternoon, once all your bees are back in the hive, allows it the most time to dry before the sun and your bees are up the next morning.
Araucaria Flow Hives
All Araucaria Flow Hives and Supers should be sealed with at least 2 coats of exterior-grade good quality house paint. This should weather well, but as with all outdoor paint, it will require a refresh every 12-24 months depending on local conditions.
Unless the paint is in good condition, you may need to sand back and then reapply, making sure to apply at least two coats, following the paint instructions.
Note: Polyurethane or marine varnish coating, can cause condensation within the hive, as the coating does not allow the timber to breathe, and draw the moisture to the outside of the timber. We strongly recommend sanding back the timber to its natural state, and reapplying an exterior-grade good quality house paint.
Cedar Flow Hives
If your stained Cedar Flow Hive is beginning to look like it needs some TLC, you'll need to reapply your timber treatment.
First, using a scourer, scrub back with oxygen bleach the day before.
Allow to dry thoroughly, then re-apply the sealant. If you have used a varnish, you will need to first sand back the timber to its natural state before reapplying sealant.
Extra attention for the roof...
Regardless of the timber type, all Flow Hive roofs should be sealed with at least 2 coats of exterior-grade good quality house paint – this is an important step for weatherproofing.
If it's needing a re-coat, you may need to sand back the paint and then reapply, making sure to apply at least two coats, following the paint instructions.
If you need, you can cover the hole in the inner cover, and remove the roof to sand, paint and dry it away from the hive.