All Flow Hives need to be opened for inspection, just like regular beehives. This is an important activity in keeping your bees healthy.
The number of inspections needed per year varies a great deal. In regions where bees tend to require a high degree of attention, beekeepers open and inspect each hive every month or six weeks during the spring and summer.
Experienced beekeepers observe the behaviour of bees at the hive entrance and can usually judge whether they need to open the hive for a closer look. Brood inspections involve opening up the hive, so you will need protective gear such as a hive tool, smoker, bee suit and gloves for this.
It’s often useful to get in touch with a local beekeeper with regard to how often you should be inspecting your colony, as they’ll have the information most relevant to your area. But remember - opinions can vary quite a bit from one individual beekeeper to the next!
Read more on brood inspections here.
Beginner Beekeeping - Brood Inspections
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