Yes. We want Flow Frames to be as adaptable and as affordable as possible, so we have designed them in such a way that you can use your own boxes.
The Flow Frames are designed to fit Langstroth size deep boxes (although they will adapt to others) and are inserted into standard bee supers (boxes) in much the same way as standard frames. The box will need to be modified by cutting two access doorways in one end.
When the Flow Frames are inserted, the ends of the frames form the end of the super. This allows access to the Flow Key and honey trough outlets, and a great view into the hive.
How do I add Flow Frames to an existing Langstroth bee hive box?

DIY Hybrid Super
How do I add Flow Frames to an existing Pile Box bee hive?

Manual Half-Sized Flow Super
To discuss modifying your beehives to fit the Flow Frames, please check out our Community Forum.
Please be aware that if you are modifying the Flow Frame, it voids the warranty of the frame. Please contact our Customer Support team before modifying your Flow Frame for acceptable modifications.