Can I Become A Flow Distributor or Reseller?

Can I Become A Flow Distributor or Reseller?

Thanks to the huge public support for our crowdfunding campaign, and the fantastic buzz that Flow's revolutionary honey harvesting technology has created around the globe, Flow Hives have been sold to over 100,000 customers in over 130 countries around the world.

Can I Become A Flow Distributor?

We know that Flow technology has enormous potential, and we're looking for a limited number of like-minded individuals and companies around the world to be a local Flow presence as in some areas this may serve customers more effectively than we can.
Flow’s ethos of equally prioritising the strongest of environmental and business ethics while also requiring all applicants to have extensive beekeeping experience (including a minimum of several seasons with a Flow Hive) and all relevant business experience along with honesty, integrity and respect for all others, are what we seek from all participants in our International Network.  Flow carefully considers each individual application in turn, as each appointment is an important decision.  To this end we are seeking applications from qualified parties for the following programs within our International Reseller Network:

1. Flow Authorised Resellers
2. Flow Certified Ambassadors

Ensuring the highest level of Customer Service and Customer Support remains our priority at all times, and for this reason, Flow does not work with Distributors who on-sell to any other party, only with Resellers who sell directly to customers who are the end-user.
If you are interested in applying to become a Flow Reseller or Ambassador for Flow, please apply by filling in the most relevant questionnaire below.  Be sure to answer each question comprehensively so we understand all aspects of your application.  We will get back to shortlisted applicants only and as soon as possible for a one-on-one personal discussion about your application and if appropriate information on the next steps.  

Form A - Large Businesses (Flow Authorised Reseller)

Form B - Individual or Small Business (Flow Authorised Reseller)

Form C - Ambassador Program (Flow Certified Ambassador)

If you wish to get in touch regarding your application, email